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  • Is the order of information important in GT letter writing?

    Is the order of information important in GT letter writing - IELTS Coaching Dwarka | Delhi
    Tue, Jul 02, 2019

    Is the order of information important in GT letter writing?

    Letter writing is a task that you might have been doing since early secondary classes. We have been taught letter writing because while grown-ups we may have to write different letters whether personal letters or official letters or business letters.

    In the General Training Writing one of the writing tasks, generally Task 1, includes letter writing. The question statement would provide a situation in which the test taker is instructed to write a letter to some specific person, and provides the reason to write the letter. The information, to be included in the letter, is generally provided in the form of bullet points.

    IELTS students ask a frequent question that should this order of information be maintained to write the letter. The best IELTS coaching in Delhi offers the answer through this blog. When it comes to letter writing the students generally memorize a template and try to follow that. But a template may not be usable for every question. Every case may be unique and one has to think out of the box. Though it would not require the test taker to apply cognitive rigor as it may be required in academic writing yet some thought must be put in the question.

    Let’s take a sample question

    Next month, you are traveling to stay with a host family, unfamiliar to you. This is a part of a student exchange program of your university.


    Write a letter to this family and introduce yourself. Include the following in your letter,

    – mention your arrival details

    – provide a little introduction of yourself

    – seek weather details on weather conditions to pack suitable clothes



    A common question that students ask us is ‘Will I get full marks if I write these details as per my order?’. Simply speaking they want to know whether the order of the information as provided in the question should be followed to get full marks.

    The answer is – the order of the information does not impact the score. You can provide the answer in any order that you feel comfortable. Important is to include all the points in your answer. For more information or guidance visit the IELTS coaching in Dwarka.

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